The experimental test, plant test and production practice of sintering with proportion of Mesa J iron ore were conducted in sintering plant, SOUGANG MINE Co. 就首钢矿业公司烧结厂进行的配加马萨杰矿粉烧结的实验室试验、工业试验和工业生产情况进行了系统介绍。
Abstract: The bench test and plant test of pelletizing with addition of steelmaking sludge were conducted under the operational condition of Jinan I& S Co. 文摘:就济钢生产条件下球团工艺中配加炼钢污泥进行了试验室和生产试验。
Synthesis and performance of Mg~ ( 2+)-doped lithium vanadium phosphate in pilot plant test 镁离子掺杂磷酸钒锂的中试合成及性能研究
After the pilot plant test, the Government will initiate the investment and construction of mini-carriage overhead railway train in the city. 中试完成后由政府牵头投资,在城市中实施建设微型车厢高架轨道列车。
Pilot plant test of removing catalyst fines from FCC slurry with sintered stainless steel filter core 不锈钢粉末烧结滤芯脱除FCC油浆中催化剂粉末中试研究
The pilot plant test of anaerobic biodegradability of chemical pulping effluent 化学法制浆废水的厌氧可生化性研究
Pilot plant test on Naproxen production wastewater treatment by electrolysis/ flocculation-uasb-mbr combined technology 应用电解絮凝-UASB-MBR组合工艺处理萘普生废水的中试研究
Methods Potted plant test was used to mensurate the morphological index, the biomass accumulation and distribution of F. 方法采用盆栽试验方法,测定了不同施水处理下金荞麦形态指标、生物量积累及二者分配情况。
Pilot Plant Test of Heat Pipe Type Fixed bed Reactor 热管型固定床反应器的中试
The passivation performance of coke boronate passivant and thermal reactivity of coke after passivating as well as coke strength changes after thermal reaction have been researched through the laboratory research and pilot plant test. 通过实验室和工业试验,研究了以硼酸基为主的钝化剂的钝化性能,以及钝化后焦炭的热反应性和热反应后强度的变化。
Pilot Plant Test for the Synthesis of Cumene by Catalytic Distillation 催化蒸馏合成异丙苯中试研究
Pilot plant test system for evaluating Anti-Corrosive Technology of Shengli Oil Field 胜利油田防腐蚀技术评价中试系统
Process and mechanism were been researched after the plant test. 本文在对过程进行理论分析的基础上,对工艺进行了机理和工艺的改进研究。
Pilot plant test of Dano fermentation roller of municipal domestic refuse 城市生活垃圾DANO发酵滚筒工业中试
Pilot-plant test of powdered styrene-butadiene rubber 粉末丁苯橡胶的中试研究
This paper presents the results of the laboratory test and the pilot plant test, in which the rare earths were desorbed separately from the ion exchange resin by organic extractant using continuous counter-current ion exchange equipment. 本文报道了在连续逆流离子交换设备中,用有机萃取剂从离子交换树脂上解吸稀土的小型试验和扩大试验。
The problems of transformer quality and plant test increased as transformer amount in recent years. 近年来,随着变压器数量的增多,变压器出现的质量问题也增加。
The rooting mechanism of plant test tube plantlet, such as gene expression and heredity transformation, the relationship between the endogenesis hormone and vigour of enzyme with rooting; 综述了植物试管苗生根机理方面的基因表达和遗传转化,内源激素和酶类活性与生根的关系;
Pilot plant test on pretreatment of refuse landfill leachate by ammonia stripping process with different aeration methods ( jet, blast and surface) were conducted. 用不同的曝气方式(射流曝气、鼓风曝气、表面曝气)对垃圾渗滤液进行了氨吹脱预处理试验研究。
This process has been proved to be successful by continuous pilot plant test. 半工业连续试验的数据证明,本工艺是成功的。
A pilot plant test of the high temperature and rapid reduction technology in the coal-based direct reduction short kiln has conducted. 采用短窑高温快速还原新工艺进行了直接还原半工业性试验。结果表明,工艺技术可行,具有利用系数高、设备投资少等特点。
The Pilot plant Test Study of an Internal Circulation Fluidized Bed Boiler Rarefied phase Region 内循环流化床锅炉稀相区中试性实验研究
According to the analysis of a pilot plant test, it showed that solid flux method could be used to judge whether the running and control of the secondary sedimentation tank was right. 利用固体通量理论对某污水处理厂中试现场装置进行分析,结果表明:固体通量法可用于判断二沉池的运行控制是否正确合理;
Results from a comprehensive plant test program are summarized. 归纳了工厂综合试验所得的结果。
Aiming at the low effect of amino nitrogen degradation in conventional refinery wastewater treating, a pilot plant test was carried by biological membrane for amino nitrogen removal. 针对国内许多炼油厂污水处理工艺中氨态氮的降解效果差的问题,采用膜法A/O生物脱氮处理炼油污水的工艺进行了中型试验。
The technical properties and process development and conditions of special resin DNDA-7144 are determined through analysis Of the property of rotary forming special resin, and is successful in LLDPE pilot plant test. 通过对旋转成型专用料性能的分析,确定了专用料DNDA-7144的性能指标和开发工艺技术路线及操作条件,并在LLDPE装置中试成功。
The structural design of DANO fermentation roller and operational parameter are studied using pilot plant test. It is pointed out that rising the average packing rate and prolonging stationary time are the key to the structural design. 通过工业中试研究了DANO发酵滚筒的结构设计及工艺运行控制参数,指出提高平均填充率,延长停留时间是结构设计的关键;
Through the laboratory test and pilot plant test, the effects of current densities, cycling flow rate and temperature on current efficiency, cell voltage, the quality of cathode copper and the rate of impurities removal were investigated. 开展了实验室小试及现场工业试验研究,考察了电流密度、循环流量及温度对每段电积过程电流效率、槽电压、阴极铜质量及杂质脱除率的影响,确定了最优工艺条件和技术参数。
The allocation of funds in R.& D., pilot plant test and industrial sectors is not enough reasonable. 研发、中试和产业化各环节的资金分配还不够合理。